Porcelain Veneers

What are porcelain veneers?

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Veneers are porcelain coverings. They generally cover the tops and front of teeth. Veneers can be used to whiten teeth as well as correct problems like chipped, misshapen, crooked or worn teeth.

The procedure

doctor Porcelain veneers are custom created to precisely fit your teeth. On your first visit, we carefully remove a thin layer of enamel. Then we take impressions of your teeth. A dental lab uses these impressions to build a model of your teeth, then creates the veneers on that model.

You will love your new smile!

blue-eyes Once they are in place, veneers virtually become part of your teeth. You can use them like you would your own teeth, because the bond is extremely strong. Your final result is a more beautiful, natural-looking new smile!


$99 Includes a comprehensive exam, cleaning, and X-rays


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